The Den of Sin

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The Den of Sin

The Den of Sin is an adult entertainment venue catering to members of the LGBT community located at Mist W17 P7 on Brynhildr. Open Saturdays from 8pm-10pm EST

Sit down and have a drink at the bar

Enjoy live entertainment from our dancers.

Enjoy a shared club music vibe with our club's radio station.

Relax after a long day in the VIP room.

The Den of Sin

Services Offered

The Den of Sin is an adult entertainment venue catering to members of the LGBT community. We have a stage for our dancers with a lounge to enjoy the view. For the right price, many of our dancers are available to take home for the night. When you are ready to reserve a courtesan, see the attendant behind the bar (Either Kurraku or Eliza).

New Planned RP Scenarios

These scenarios can be requested during club hours. These scenarios will be less juicy than our courtesan bookings, but still allow you to immerse in an original experience quite like no other. Scenarios can range from sensual to more erotic, but not extreme eroticism. Anything more than kissing or touching will still have to be reserved with a courtesan.

Dancer's tagged with the green Looking for Party tag are available to be hired as courtesans.
Courtesans on duty are priced at 250k gil/hr.
Send them a private /tell to initiate conversation.
Courtesans reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Please be sure to discuss any specific kinks you would like to RP with your courtesan prior to purchase.
When you are ready to reserve time with your courtesan, see the booking attendant, Kurraku, to pay and be assigned a room.
All non-ERP staff members will be adorning the 'Looking for Meld Materia' yellow status tag.
Do not solicit them for ERP.
Check out our Menu for a list of food and drink options offered at the bar.